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Architecture Hall | 3943 W Stevens Way NE
Gould Hall | 3950 University Way NE
Community Design Building | 3947 University Way NE

Note: WebCal calendar reservations are disabled as we transition to Mazévo. Email Meegan Amen for any summer room reservation inquiries.

To reserve rooms login to Mazévo.

Reserve a room

CBE community member room reservations

Room reservation prioritization

CBE classrooms and seminar spaces prioritize quarterly academic classes and other instructional needs. Rooms are released to community members in the lead up to each quarter based on the following use priority.

  • Quarterly academic classes
  • Academic mid-term reviews and finals
  • Academic break-out sessions and other curriculum activities
  • Department activities (information sessions, lectures, meetings, etc.)
  • CBE student group activities (AIAS, NOMAS, UWASLA, affinity groups, etc.)
  • CBE student individual or group meetings (e.g. study sessions)

Reservations are submitted as “requests” only. Your status will change to “confirmed” upon review. The room is held in request status while the reservation is being reviewed so another reservation won’t override the request. If you are making a reservation request on behalf of another CBE community member list their email address as the “primary contact” so they receive future email correspondence around the reservation.

CBE community members interested in using space for non-CBE related activities are considered non-CBE community events

Reserve rooms here.

How to Create a New Event in Mazévo

Mazévo access prioritization

Access to Mazévo is given through UW groups. These groups will be curated quarterly from Workday (faculty/staff), Student Services (CBE student groups) and adviser lists (students). If you are experiencing accessing the CBE Mazevo portal email Meegan Amen ( or

Note that CBE community members will have access to the room calendar on the following schedule:

  • Department time schedulers have calendar access for all quarters active/closed in the Time Schedule Construction Calendar
  • Faculty and staff have calendar access for the active quarter of instruction beginning as soon as the previous quarter ends.
  • CBE recognized student groups have calendar access the first day of the active quarter: the designee should email Meegan Amen ( for access
  • Students have calendar access beginning the second week of the active quarter

Non-CBE community member room rentals

Rental Rates: $50-500 per hour

To maintain the highest quality learning environment for our studios, non-CBE facility rentals are limited to activities that are academic in nature and have a relationship to our disciplines.

  • Daytime events with amplified sound are discouraged
  • Public rental requests for social activities (weddings, reunions, tailgating, wakes, etc.) are not accepted
  • Weeks 4-6 (midterms) and 8 – 10 plus finals are rental dead periods
  • Building & grounds photography or film requests are made with University Marketing & Promotions

Submit a rental inquiry. For additional rental questions, please contact BE Facilities Coordinator Meegan Amen (

General Assignment Classrooms in Architecture & Gould Halls

Some Rooms in Architecture and Gould Hall are managed by General Assignment Classrooms.

Phone: 206-616-1287

University forms required in UW facilities

Alcohol Service Request

  • Any occasion where alcohol will be present on UW grounds, regardless of a room reservation, requires a permit.
  • Note that the permit/license only permits the consumption of alcohol within the location noted.
  • Alcohol shall not be served in CBE classrooms.
  • Alcohol will not be approved in outside spaces.
  • Out of deference to religious and personal preferences, alcohol should not be served in studios or assigned study spaces where students can not opt out of participation.

Request for Use of University Facilities (UUF)
Some examples of when the UUF is required include events open to the public or rental by an outside UW entity. Please check complete list to determine the need to complete a UUF.

Temporary Food Service Permit
If food will be provided from any caterer other than Bay Laurel.

It is not the college’s responsibility to determine whether any of these forms are required for your reservation or rental.

College Managed Room Inventory

The college maintains several spaces within Architecture and Gould Halls that are available to the CBE community. Priority for these spaces are given to quarterly BE classes and instruction.

After quarterly CBE classes & instruction, priority for CBE managed rooms are allocated for one-time reservations as follows:

  1. Officially sanctioned college events
  2. Officially sanctioned departmental events
  3. CBE instructional requests
  4. Officially sanctioned BE student RSO requests
  5. BE student instructional requests
  6. Outside department requests including BE student non-academic requests
  7. Off campus customer rentals

G042, Architecture Hall
110, Architecture Hall
140, Architecture Hall
250, Architecture Hall

100, Gould Hall
102, Gould Hall
110, Gould Hall
114, Gould Hall
142, Gould Hall
208J, Gould Hall
440, Gould Hall
442, Gould Hall

Gould Court
A reservation for the court includes the floor west of the stairs, NW and SW display walls, rolling walls, 50 chairs (obtain key from 224 Gould), display cubes and stage. Court reservations do not include tables or other amenities. If these items are desired, please make arrangements with a rental company. There is no storage area for these items and they cannot remain on the court outside the reservation period.

Gould North Lawn (Moat) + Varey Garden (Grassy Knoll)
The Varey Garden and north lawn are available for reservation through the BE room calendar. These exterior spaces are not accessible through BE rooms (Gould 102, 110, 114 and 142) unless those rooms are reserved separately. The exterior doors in these rooms will alarm after 5:00 pm if left open: if you are reserving both spaces for an evening event please make arrangements with the College to extend the exterior door alarm hours. Classroom furniture is not to be brought outside.

The Buzz Cafe, Gould Court East
The Buzz Coffee Shop occupies Gould’s east court. When the coffee shop is open, this area and its tables and chairs are designated for patron use and are not able to be reserved. Any formal use of this space when the coffee shop is closed should be coordinated with Meegan Amen ( As a self-sustaining business, the coffee shop and its amenities (ice machine and refrigerator) are not available for use.

Quarterly room reservations

Quarterly instruction reservations are submitted by departmental chairs or their designated room scheduler in accordance with the UW Time Construction Calendar. Instructors must work through their respective departments for any adjustments to dates and times to assure instructional information is updated in Time Schedule.

CBE instruction is the only reservation accepted on a quarterly basis. One-time reservations will be accepted once the previous quarter concludes but may have to be adjusted to accommodate last minute quarterly class changes.

The priority of scheduling academic courses into CBE rooms are ranked by the following criteria:

  1. Graduate core classes that
    • Meet multiple days of the week (in order) MTWThF, MTWTh, MWF or TTh (does not include class sections) and
    • 2-Hour classes beginning on the half hour or 1.5-hour classes meeting on the :30 or :00 and
    • Curriculum that meets the features of the room (e.g., software classes requiring laptops have priority for Gould 114)
    • Enrollment limits that fit the size of available rooms
  1. Undergraduate core classes that
    • Meet multiple days of the week (in order) MTWThF, MTWTh, MWF or TTh (does not include class sections) and
    • 2-Hour classes beginning on the half hour or 1.5-hour classes meeting on the :30 or :00 and
    • Curriculum that meets the features of the room (e.g., software classes requiring laptops have priority for Gould 114)
    • Enrollment limits that fit the size of available rooms
  2. High Demand courses
  3. Electives

As a quarter approaches the Dean’s Office will review actual enrollment to assigned room capacities and has discretion to reallocate room assignments to more accurately reflect enrollment.

Conference room (Gould 227)

The College of Built Environments is pleased to make available the BE Conference room in support of the administrative and academic life of the college. It is the goal of the BE Dean’s office to more discretely monitor this asset, relative to other college rooms, therefore this calendar is off-line. Email for availability.

The conference phone is a Polycom IP7000 and the phone number is 206-543-0159.

One-time reservations (from CBE community members)

One-time reservations will be accepted once the previous quarter concludes. To check availability and other information for these rooms, please go to the Room Calendars + Info page.

After checking availability for BE-managed rooms, complete the Room Reservations online form.

Note, your reservation is not complete unless you receive an email confirmation.

Room rentals (from non-CBE community members)

Rental Rates: $200/hour/reservation or $1,000 per day.

A deposit must accompany your completed Use of University Facilities (UUF) form. The deposit fee is $200.00 for each individual reservation. Your deposit will be applied to your rental charges.

For complete details regarding BE rental policies, please contact BE Facilities Coordinator Meegan Amen (

Classroom support services managed rooms (in Gould + Architecture)

G070, Architecture Hall
147, Architecture Hall
160, Architecture Hall

117, Gould
322, Gould
435, Gould
436, Gould

To reserve one of these rooms please email the Time Schedule Office (

Report a CSS classroom problem.

University Forms Required in UW Facilities

An Alcohol Service Request is required when an individual and/or organization intends to serve or sell alcohol in a UW facility. This is required for any campus room including studios.

The type of Alcohol Permit or License required will be determined by the information provided by the applicant via the Alcohol Service Request. Events with alcohol service will require either a WA state issued Banquet Permit or a Special Occasion License. Alternately, the applicant may need to present the UUFC with a Caterer’s Business License with Liquor Endorsement when a Caterer is involved.

Note that the permit/license only permits the consumption of alcohol within the location noted on the form. To ensure a superior learning environment, CBE does not allow alcohol to be served in CBE classrooms.

Request for Use of University Facilities

UUF approval is required:

  • A non-University group/individual intends to hold a function at a UW facility
  • A private or commercial organization wishes to sponsor or be involved with an activity at a University facility
  • A university community member intends to hold a function at a UW facility that is open to the general public or invited off-campus guests
  • A University of Washington-Seattle community member (current student, staff, or faculty) intends to hold a function (independent of any student group, department or administrative unit) at a UW facility
  • An organization would like to hold a partisan political activity at a UW facility
  • All outdoors events with amplification
  • At the venue operator’s discretion

Food that is not provided by a campus caterer requires a Temporary Food Service Permit.

Faculty Equipment Check-Out