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What is wood lab Certification?

  • Safety training on wood lab stationary power tools
  • Required for wood lab stationary power tool usage by all users (students, faculty, staff)
  • Covers function of tools, key concepts for woodworking (marking and measuring, order of operations) as well as best practices and safety guidelines.
  • It ends with a tool practicum. All attendees make a cut on the machines.
  • Prerequisite: Fabrication Labs Safety Affidavit. What is this? See FAQ’s below

Get certified

  • During class:
    • Faculty that use the wood lab as part of their curriculum will schedule a Wood Lab Certification during class for their students.
    • Faculty: Your class will also need to do a safety affidavit. The certification and affidavit together take approx. 1.5 hours.
  • During open lab hours:
    • Students, faculty, and staff not affiliated with a class that use the Fabrication Labs can sign up to get certified during open lab hours at pre-scheduled times. Staff will post these times starting the 2nd week of the quarter on the Open Lab Hours Calendar.
    • Allot 1.5 hours. This will include both the safety affidavit and the certification.


Who can get certified?
College of Built Environments students, faculty, and staff.

Where do I sign up for an Open Lab Wood Lab Certification?
Complete the Wood Lab Orientation Sign Up form. This form will be updated at the beginning of each quarter.

Is there a way I can see online when the Open Lab Wood Lab Certifications are scheduled?
Yes! Take a look at the Open Lab Hours Calendar.

Do I have to sign up for an Open Lab Wood Lab Certification or can I just show up?
Yes, please sign up. This allows you and us to plan ahead. For example, if no one signs up the day prior, the certification will be canceled. We are also capping attendance at 10. However, if you show up and spots are still available you are more than welcome to attend.

Does this replace the Fabrication Labs Safety Affidavit?
No, the safety affidavit is still needed and will be covered at the beginning of the Wood Lab Certification.

What is the Fabrication Labs Safety Affidavit?
A basic safety overview for the Fab Labs. It takes about 30 mins to complete.

  • Prerequisite for wood lab certification
  • Required for Fab Labs usage by all users (students, faculty, staff)
  • Users read out loud together as a class/ group and then sign the safety affidavit
  • Traditionally happens during the first Lab session for Fab Labs based classes and combined with wood lab certifications when taking place during open Labs hours.

What happens during the Wood Lab Certification?

  • The Wood Lab Certification is a orientation and introduction to the main stationary power and hand tools in the wood lab. It will cover operational safety practices as well as a tool demonstration and additional practicum for all users. Tool specific training by shop staff is required in order to operate power tools not covered in the Wood Lab Certification.

Does Fab Labs staff offer the Wood Lab Certifications on-demand?
Due to the time commitment on Fab Labs staff, certifications will not be offered in a one-on-one or on-demand format.

Is there required Lab attire?

Yes, all persons in the wood and metal areas must wear closed-toed sturdy shoes. The metal area requires natural fibers and long pants. Any clothing or accessories that hang off your body are dangerous as they can get caught in a tool. Things like long hair, hoodie strings, scarves, necklaces/jewelry must be tied up, tucked in, or removed.

I have used the wood lab as part of my class during previous quarters. Does that make me wood lab certified?

If the content you covered in class matches that of the wood lab certification content we will happily grandfather you in. Please email Rae with details of the class.

Do I need a certification to use most wood lab hand tools?

No, a certification is not required for hand tools usage. Instead we will train you on how to use the tool during open Lab hours.

Questions? Please email Rae Moore, Fab Lab Director,