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The Lee and Rolaine Copeland Endowed Fellowship in Urban Design and The Myer R. Wolfe Scholarship

These scholarships are in the names of two illustrious faculty of the College of Built Environments: Lee Copeland and Myer R Wolfe.

The scholarships have been awarded yearly to outstanding students who are registered in the Urban Design Certificate Program. Each Scholarship award ranges from $1,000 to $4,500 depending on the amount available from the endowments. Two to three scholarships can be awarded each year. See the endowments information page for a list of previous recipients.

Urban design faculty reviewing the applications will use the following criteria to select awardees:

  1. academic excellence
  2. design abilities
  3. commitment to/experience in urban design
  4. potential future effectiveness in the field
  5. interest in specific urban design issues

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION (no exceptions): Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 12:00 PM PDT.
For more information, contact

  • Please explain (1) why you believe you are a good candidate for the scholarship; and (2) how the scholarship will advance your studies and related personal work (about 500 words).
  • Do you have notable urban design-related professional or volunteer experience, in school or elsewhere? (about 200 words)
  • Have you had academic achievements that should be considered with this application, e.g., previous awards or scholarships received and other special recognition? (about 200 words)
  • What are your specific interests in pursuing a career in urban design? (about 150 words)
  • What are your long-term goals or aspirations? (about 150 words)
  • Is there any other information you think should be considered with this application? (about 150 words)
  • Please attach one design project and/or one paper that best illustrates the type and quality of work you have done in the past. Submit a maximum of two pages, selecting aspects of a design project and/or an abstract of the paper to be considered in your application. (Maximum 2MB)
    Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, doc, docx, rtf, Max. file size: 2 MB.

  • By inputting my name again here I certify: (1) that I have completed a Statement of Purpose and am an enrolled participant in the Urban Design Certificate Program; and (2) that the information reported on this form is true to the best of my knowledge.