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UW Police

911 calls from a cell phone route to either the Seattle Police Department or the Washington State Patrol. Identify yourself as located on the UW campus and ask to be transferred to UW Police Department. Non-emergency UW Police Department: 206-543-9331.

To receive campus safety updates in real time, please sign up for UW Alert.

Building locations

Architecture Hall
3943 Stevens Way W

Gould Hall
3950 University Way NE

Community Design Building
 3947 University Way NE

Emergency assembly areas

Gould Hall
W-13/W-12 Parking Areas

Architecture Hall
C-7 Parking Area, C-9 Parking Area

Community Design Building
W-13/W-12 Parking Areas

After hours safety services

Husky NightWalk

206.685.9255 (WALK)

Uniformed security guards operate 6:30 pm to 2 a.m., seven days week, 365 days a year (excluding holidays), providing a walking escort to community members within the campus locations and the residential area north of 45th St., and to the UW Tower location.  Guards can also assist, with proper identification, building and office lockouts, as well as jump start dead car batteries.

Husky NightWalk Service Area Map.

How to Use Husky NightWalk

  • Dial 206.685.WALK (206.685.9255) when you are ready for a safety escort.
  • Advise the dispatcher which building entrance the Husky NightWalk guard will find you waiting.
  • Stand safely inside the entrance, and watch for the Husky NightWalk guard as s/he will not enter the building to find you.
  • Have your UW student, staff or other photo identification ready.


NightRide is a U-PASS sponsored shuttle service for students, faculty, and staff. Passengers can board the NightRide from any one of six on-campus stops and be dropped off at any requested location within the two shuttle zones. Schedules are prominently displayed at all stops, and schedules are available at information kiosks around campus. NightRide schedules are also available online. Wheelchair-accessible shuttles service both zones. Call 206.685.3146 or visit for more information about this and other UW shuttle services.

Note that NightRide is not available during the summer.

Report accidents and near misses online

Work-related incidents (and near misses) are tracked and investigated so that successful preventative measures can be implemented. The information contained in the reports is essential to maintain successful safety programs. Reporting is required to help the University meet its compliance responsibilities set by federal, state, and funding agencies.

Report any work-related injury or illness to your supervisor as soon as possible. After reporting the incident to your supervisor, submit a report of the incident within 24 hours to EH&S via the UW’s Online Accident Reporting System (OARS). Students and visitors are also encouraged to submit any incidents.

UW health and safety committees

In an effort to minimize health and safety issues on campus for faculty, staff, students and their guests, 10 health and safety committees (HSCs) have been created. Each of the organizational unit committees look at the accident / incident reports pertinent to their area for evaluation and resolution of any on-going issues. These organizational committees each send two representatives to the University-Wide Health and Safety Committee referred to as the “U-Wide.” Elections are held every two years. The College of Built Environments belongs to Group 1.

Group 1 meets in the Suzallo Library, 5th floor conference room, on the second Wednesday of the month, 9:00 am – 10:30 am.

Instructor responsibilities & students with disabilities

Instructors should work with students that may need assistance to develop an evacuation plan best suited for their needs.  The Evacuation Topics for Persons with Disabilities focus sheet discusses several options.  These plans of action can be tracked on the Evacuation Plan form.